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Racial Equity Executive and Team Coaching

• 9-12 Month Engagement
• Senior Leadership Team Coaching
• Includes
    • Organizational Data Analysis Support
    • Senior Executive Individual Coaching
    • Full Team Co-coaching with Senior Executive
    • Books and workbooks provided

Starting at $65,000 for small teams

Team Coaching

• 9-12 Month Engagement
• Leadership Team Coaching (available for Leadership Team’s at any level of the organization)
• Operations, Culture, Policy & Procedures
• Includes:
     • 3 Team Starting Point Assessments
     • Full-Day Launch Workshop
     • Team Coaching (during regular meetings)
     • Monthly 1 Hour Executive Leader Individual Coaching Session
     • Monthly 1 Hour Individual Coaching Sessions for Team Members

Starting at $61,200 for small teams


Results-Based, Action-Focused Organizational Work Alignment

• Senior Executive Team Workshop
• 2 Full Day, 8 Hour Sessions
    • Result and Indicator Development and Translation
        • Identify and/or Refine the Organization’s Result
        • Develop Organizational Indicators
• Organization-Wide Workshops
• Multi-Day Workshops
    • Introducing the Entire Organization to the Equitable Results pathway and Aligning Your Work with Results
    • Departmental Workshops
        • Identifying:
            • Results
            • Indicators
            • Factors
            • Strategies
        • Performance Measures:
            • For Strategy
            • For Roles


Results-Based, Action-Focused Planning

• Result Defining/Refining Workshops with Executive Leadership Team
• Strategic Plan with Defined Result Indicators
• Detailed Organizational Work Plan with Strategy Performance Measures and Milestones

Integrating the Organizational Work Plan

• Incorporation of Work Plan into Project Management Software
• Strategy Assignments for Roles
• Timelines to Meet Milestones

Implementation Coaching

• Monthly for 1 year
• Coaching Session Options:
     • Once a Month for 1 Hour or 90 Minutes
     • Twice a Month for 1 Hour


Collective Impact Start-Up Collaboration

Is your community looking to begin collective impact work? Explore the questions and next steps your community will need to take with interested Community Stakeholders representing cross-sector perspectives.

• 6 Sessions, 3 Hours Each
• Shared Community Vision & Evidence-Based Decision Making
• Shared Community Vision (Results in the Center)
• Collaborative Action
• Evidence-Based Decision Making And Continuous Improvement
• Investment And Sustainability
• To Be Or Not To Be A Collaborative

Centering Results & Sharing Power in Collaboration

Available to any community currently engaged in collective impact work with Community Stakeholders representing cross-sector perspectives.

• Starting-Point Assessment of Current Community Stakeholders
• 8 Sessions, 3 Hours Each
     • Identifying, inviting, & engaging impacted communities leaders as experts.
     • Listening to newly invited impacted community stakeholders.
     • Shared Community Vision & Evidence-Based Decision Making
     • Shared Community Vision (Results in the Center)
     • Collaborative Action
     • Evidence-Based Decision Making And Continuous Improvement
     • Investment And Sustainability
     • Next steps as an Expanded Community

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Collective Impact Coaching for Teams

• 6 Session Minimum
• Team must include Backbone Staff, Network Conveners, Impacted Community Leaders